
Christian Israel Tours

Israel is a land of many religious sites of interest, which is why it attracts Christian pilgrimage enthusiasts from across the globe. There are many dedicated Christian israel tours available in the market, which allow you to see the Holy Land in its true form.

Variety of tours

There are many different kinds of Christian Holy Land Tours and you can take your pick according to your preferences, budget and convenience. For example, there are 9 day catholic tours, which provide unique experiences for the devout Christians. These packages include accommodations, meal, travel costs, and hence work out economical for those who are looking for cost effective Christian Israel tours. Most sightseeing expeditions are arranged in motor coaches with complete air-conditioning and with panoramic views through the windows. The costs of such 9 day Christian Israel tours also include tipping charges! In addition to the 9 day catholic tours there are also 11 day tours, which focus on showing pilgrims the true Bible Land. The costs are inclusive of breakfasts and meals, accommodation, tipping charges and entrance fees. If you want only your own friends and family included as part of customized Christian Tours to Israel then this too can be organized. These are known as group catholic pilgrimage tours and are great for those who like the company of their own loved ones. You can take along 10 or more persons in such Christian Holy Land Tours and enjoy an experience of a lifetime! You can share your religious faiths and beliefs while being with the ones you love the most. These are exclusive Christian Israel tours, which are truly worth experiencing.

Common religious sites

Most of the catholic pilgrimage tours in Israel focus on ancient Biblical religious sites such as the Caesarea, which is mentioned in the Holy Bible in Acts 10 as well as 25. This was the renowned city, which was built by Herrod in honor of the famous Augustus Caesar. Then the religious site of Muhraka is also revered by Christians. Here Elijah contested with false prophets of Baal. These religious tours Israel also include places such as Mount of Olives, which shows exclusive panoramic views of the entire Holy Land. You can also visit Shrine of the Book, in which vital scrolls of the Dead Sea are located. These Christian Israel tours are a treat for any catholic pilgrimage enthusiast. You can also opt for boat rides across the Sea of Galilee. The boat looks like an exact replica of the fishing vessels used during the time of Jesus Christ! You can also take Christian Holy Land Tours of Church of Nativity, Bethlehem, Shepherd’s Field and many more. The other vital religious places of interest in such Christian Israel tours include the Garden Tomb and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Indulge in your Christian faith and opt for some of these marvelous Christian Israel tours to bring alive your faith by seeing these places for real!


Welcome To Israel:

* Car Rental in Israel
* Catholic Tours to Israel
* Christian Israel Tours
* Dead Sea Hotels
* Dead sea Tours
* Eilat Hotels
* Haifa Hotels
* Israel Hotels
* Israel Souvenir
* Israel Tour Package
* Israel Tours
* Israeli Army T- Shirts
* Israeli Jewelry
* Jerusalem Hotels
* Jerusalem Israel Tours
* Jewish Israel Tour
* Jewish T-shirts
* Learn Hebrew
* Learn Hebrew Online
* Moving to Israel
* Production Services in Israel
* Safe visit to Israel
* Study Abroad A Once in a Lifetime Adventure
* Tel Aviv Boutique Hotel
* Tel Aviv Hotels
* The Many Benefits of Long-Term Car Rental
* Tiberias Hotels
* Ulpan in Israel
* Ulpan in Jerusalem

Israeli Jewelry:

* Krav Maga T- Shirts
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