
The Many Benefits of Long-Term Car Rental

Suppose you need to rent a car in Israel for a family vacation; you may ask, “Should I go for a short-term or a long-term car rental?” Believe it or not, there are legitimate benefits to renting a car for some time as opposed to renting several for shorter durations. Should you be visiting family or just sightseeing famous monuments in Israel such as the Masada or the Sea of Galilee, you’re going to need a ride that can last you a long time.


More Affordable Deals

Some car dealerships offer more affordable prices the longer you rent a car. As a result, it’s better to have one car for a long time (as the price gradually goes down) than many automobiles rented over the same time period. Of course, renting a car as opposed to owning it has its advantages. You have less paperwork to handle for starters, won’t have to worry about it breaking down as much, and won’t be as responsible for regular maintenance. 

Think of the following as some noticeable advantages to renting a car for your stay in Israel as opposed to not renting one:


  • You won’t have to rely on public transportation as much.
  • You can more easily choose where to go instead of being limited by other transportations’ designated routes.
  • There’s no need to transport your personal vehicle over several countries.
  • You can choose what type of vehicle you wish to have on your stay in Israel, which can be different from what you usually use.
  • Many benefits similar to renting it short term are also applicable here. Some benefits include convenience for vacations, excellent mileage, less paperwork overall, etc.


Renting vs. Leasing

Leasing a car long term may be cheaper than renting a car in the same time frame, but there are still noticeable advantages worth considering regarding renting options. If you lease your vehicle for your long trip, you most likely cannot change cars without terminating your contract. By comparison, you are often allowed several changes with rental options. Depending on your definition of long-term vacations, renting a car could be cheaper (four months or so is less expensive than the equivalent leasing options). Renting is also easier to do and often is bundled with several other convenient services.


Choosing a Car for a Long Time

If you’re going to rent a car in Israel, you should pay attention to several factors. Some options to consider include, but are not limited to:

  • Price
  • Mileage
  • Limitations Involving Number of Days in a Week or Miles
  • Make and Model of the Automobile
  • When You Plan to go to Israel


All of the above factors can significantly influence your trip, so don’t take it lightly! Longer rentals are inherently more limiting in terms of options you have compared to short term rentals, but you should still be able to find a car to support you for months or even years at a time. 

Remember, if you’re visiting family, sightseeing, or have business to take care of in Israel, it’s paramount that you rent an excellent automobile. The main draw of renting a car for the long term is the ease of doing so, especially if you can swap the car out every few months with a new one. Considering the above factors, you should be able to find one that suits you!


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